Brand Data Lab has worked with Healthcare, Consumer Goods, and Hospitality sectors. Our biggest strength is in analyzing your organization’s historical data, competition analysis, and building a Decision Support System to give you real-time insights to drive meaningful change while ensuring a positive impact on your bottom line.
Case Studies
Smart Information Extraction from EHR Documents
Eliminated 15-25% of manual efforts.
Achieved OCR accuracy of ~92% and ASR accuracy of greater than 90%.
Scheduling for hospitals with ‘what-if’ analysis
Currently used by a medical group consisting of 30 odd physicians and support staff, serving four 500-bed hospitals and two nurseries.
Achieved 20% savings on OPEX costs.
AI-assisted Diagnosis for a Pathology Lab
Faster diagnosis of the disease from histopathology images.
Achieved precision of 82% to 95% by reducing the analysis time from 15 minutes to ~4 minutes.
Natural Language Query Processing
Improve ease of use for the researchers and make the platform more intuitive.
Achieved 98.2 % accuracy on the test data.
New Product Positioning
Used to measure subconscious emotional responses to an ad campaign for a teletherapy marketplace solution.
Identified top-performing concept across all survey responses.
Inventory Monitoring and 340B Compliance
Framework to automate repetitive and mechanical tasks, and a balanced scorecard to measure KPIs.
Lower costs, increased value from suppliers, improved patient care, and enhanced employee satisfaction.