Creative Test & Covid Audit

A pulse check on brand advertising. Measured brand and creative impacts on US consumers navigating specific concerns with Covid-19.

Provided potential creative learnings to apply to future advertising during the Covid crisis.



F&B brand wanted to measure the impact of the latest advertisement in terms of attention, emotional engagement, and action amongst Covid concerned audiences. The purpose was to provide potential creative learnings to apply to future advertising during the Covid crisis.


  • The ad was a good performer, meeting F&B norms for engagement, action, and overall impact. Success came from health-conscious females under 35.
  • The ups and downs of the emotional journey were more dramatic among the COVID Health Concerned.


  • Identified key cohorts based on unique COVID concerns and look for groups driving or dragging performance.
  • Measured responses of different demographics with primary concerns being physical health / mental health / economic.


  • Used key metrics captured from facial coding, eye tracking, real-time interactions, and survey attitudes. Results compared to 15-sec normative data and COVID-specific screening.
  • The ad underperformed among those most concerned for their mental health during COVID. This group was not paying much attention to the spot.
  • Health concerned viewers were the most attentive to the spot and reacted the most positively. “Want” reactions were twice that of the 15-sec norm.
  • During COVID, creative stories hit harder among concerned segments of the population. Dark, evocative moments or scenes triggered steeper drops in emotion. Ensure an emotional rebound when going into key product moments.
  • Reinforced equity attributes of health and goodness were more likely valuable during the COVID crisis.